Jumat, 04 Juni 2010

Photos from Europe

Waw it's more than 5 months from my last posted. Still remember I said I'm gonna have trip to Europe from my office ? So, it was happened, exactly last april and I have nothing to say than a big thank you to my Jesus for all these bless from Him.

So, here are the photos :

Selasa, 26 Januari 2010

---------- Wonder Woman ----------

Wonder woman kata dmn menunjukkan betapa kuatnya seorang wanita, hal serupa yg gw alamin dikehidupan gw dari dulu sampe skrg ... smua org anggap gw kuat mampu tegar padahal gw cm wanita biasa yg punya rasa sedih juga.

slama hidup gw slalu berusaha menyenangkan org lain sampai2 gw sering bgt dikecewain org, tp gw bersyukur krn Tuhan slalu memegang tangan gw .. disaat gw sedih jatuh dan berbeban berat cm DIA temen setia.

Sempat berfikir knp hrs gw yg alamin smua ini dan sempet berfikir tuk mengakhiri hidup krn saking kebanyakan masalah, setelah sadar gw tau DIA yg memilih gw hidup di dunia berarti Tuhan punya rencana besar akan hidup gw.

smua masalah pasti ada jalan keluar dan gw yakin Tuhan gak akan biarin gw berjalan sendirian, permohonan doa : Tuhan berikanlah kekuatan dan jalan terbaik atas apa yg sdg kuhadapi (pekerjaan, keluarga, teman2 dan diri sendiri) jadikanku hamba yg taat dan slalu berjalan dlmMU dan izinkan disisa hidupku agar bs mmbahagiakan keluarga, suami dan diri sendiri. ------Amin -

Rabu, 13 Januari 2010

Dreaming And Make It Happen

Dreaming is a good thing (well, one of the reason is because its a free, everyone love free stuffs, right?). I have dreams, one of is have a house and kids, its like everyday, everytime I do googling about housing and kids. There's one day when my brother told me that a house sold in my mother's area, he told me its 300 millions IDR for the price, but then he found that he wrong about the price, 'cause when he checked about it again, the price was 500 millions IDR. Sad and disapoointed feeling mixed become one. How can I go for that such a big-big amount of money ? Its insane, but still there's seems like a faith in me that I can go for it. So, accompanied by my brother to that house. I bring some faith to that house, start praying for that house and splashed anointing oil to the house, because I believe that 'man do his best, let the God do the rest'. So now, I just go focus with my job and try to gaining more money to my account bank, let see, will I get that house or not this year.

Dreaming such a wonderful thing, the more you dream about good thing, the more you know that you can make it happen. So with me, I dream, but not only dreaming, but I'm on my way to make all my dreams come true. Whatever is your dream about, it will be great when its happen in the right time. GBU.

Selasa, 12 Januari 2010

I'm Back :: it's so nice ::

Its been a year that I dont blogging anything, in fact since May 19th, 2009. Quite a long, huh ? Yes, I've been too busy with my target-job. But hey, here I am back to post something new and now I'm trying to post in English (yeah, even I know that I have such a poor English, but at least I'm giving try on it, right?). Anyway, is it too late or still can I say ' Happy New Year 2010 '.

So, here's the story I'd like to post today.

In my office, there's a time in every three months to make some wish-lists about family, career and financial aspect in our lifes and give the lists to the boss. Yesterday (yup, actually after three months, we'll have those wish-list back in our hand and must read about the lists in front of co - workers and boss), and when I opened the wish-lists paper I wrote, I suddenly laugh my mouth big and even more big when I finished read it. People kept asking, 'hey ida .. why did you laugh ?'. I asnwered, ' You know, its kind a like so amazing, I wrote on my wish list about going to paris*, and now it'll coming to my real life on march' .

All my wish-lists on last three months 60% accomplished, and yes, I'm so thank to my Lord for all His kindness and guidness in my whole life. 'Cause I believe, when we working with a sincere, there's always a good things will come to us' (just like what book 'The Secret' told me).
Well, thats for now, I'll have another story in next post.

* I'm one of the highest personal bangking who achieve monthly-target, so the office give a reward to go to Paris on March
